Thursday, June 18, 2009

Something Old, Something New...

I am with you in your darkest moments
I revel in your despair
You try to avoid me but it is to no avail
I am always with you
I look over your shoulder at every choice you make
I whisper almost imperceptibly at times
At other times, it takes nothing to get your attention
When things go well for you, I let my presence be known
And you welcome me like an old friend
As I bring to you false evidences appearing real
I am no more real than you believe me to be
You say you don’t want me around
But then you open the door for me to come in.
Like an elephant in the middle of the room
I take up residence
You shun me but we both know you can’t do without me
I pull you into the corners
And you think you’ve been pushed
It takes no effort at all
You have tried to live without me
And I’ve been quite impressed with your attempts
You have recognized me for what I am
You have the power to overcome me
But you always turn weak
There is only one thing I can’t have you know
One truth about me that renders me helpless
Only one thing that will dispel me from your life;
I am merely a thought
I am Fear
Without me, how would you ever know Love?


  1. Welcome my friend... what a beautiful & thoughtful entrance. Well done. This will be nice to add as a link to your website, yes? Is that your plan? Absolutely love the last 6 lines. wow.

  2. you'll find this an excellent forum to express yourself. thank you for finding my blog! I'm so glad to have a regular peek into your heart again. (I know, you don't need words to see the truth, look with your heart, right?)
